Truth and Lies; Light and Darkness

Early in our marriage, Doug and I met regularly with a few other couples. We wanted to be accountable to one another for the way we lived the Christian life in our marriage and our family life. We made a solemn promise to put into practice a particular passage of scripture which contains practical rules…

Pondering Poison & Beauty

In my neighborhood, the oleanders are blooming. As I ran past them this morning I questioned, perhaps for the first time, my abhorrence of them. Why should I, a lover of beauty, abhor oleanders? If I were unaware that their leaves, flowers, stems, and roots are toxic, perhaps I would appreciate their beauty. Is the…

Beauty Beyond our Reach

I cannot capture nor possess the beauty in the roses Doug cuts and places in a vase. The camera fails to show the delicacy of petal and palette. I’m limited to breathing sighs of fervent gratitude and it never seems enough!

Silence on the Road

I’m looking forward to a road trip with my Dad next month. I haven’t spent much time in the car with him lately, but I imagine we’ll probably listen to music and have a few conversations, and there will be miles and miles of silence. I’m just fine with that. The older I get, the…